1.19 chat reporting system

So, microsoft decided to add a new system where you can get BANNED from minecraft if you misbehave. But this system isn’t exactly perfect…

How to get banned:

There are many ways to get banned and you can read them here. Most of these are reasonable, but some of then aren’t. Now, for some of them which can cause a massive problem. The way you get banned is if somebody reports you, and then a ‘highly trained moderation team’ would decide whether to ban you or not.


Bullying. If you bully someone (even as a joke, especially if it’s not very clear that it was a joke when reading the chat again) you can be banned from minecraft, the game you payed for.


Apparently if you intimidate someone now you can get banned from minecraft.


Singleplayer ban:

On some xbox editions, you can even get singleplayer banned. This is absolutely disgusting, considering you paid a lot for the game, and who can you even harm in singleplayer?!



The ‘highly trained moderation team’ says that context is very important. But this can be a problem in some bases. Let’s say you’re playing minecraft with your friend, and your friend is lost with no resources. And you say to him “jump in a river and drown” so he can respawn and get home. Would that cause a ban?

Another huge issue is what if you’re using voice chat too? Then the moderator would only see part of the context, and might false ban.

False Bans:

This chat reporting system has only been out for like what, a few weeks? And now a few youtubers have been false banned. By the looks of it, false bans aren’t rare at all. If you’ve been false banned, you can appeal for an unban here, but it would still take time.

Private Server Ban:

You can also get banned on your private server. Now, since it’s your server, you deserve to do whatever you want on it

The Lie of Microsft:

Remember, Mojang had nothing to do with this ban-system. It was Microsoft. And you might ask, “who gave them permission to do that?”. Well, the answer is you. Remember when Microsoft told everyone to migrate their Mojang accounts to Microsoft ones? They made a video about it, and in the video they said: “This won’t affect your gameplay experience at all” (really?). Well that was a lie. Mojang believed in the system of trusting the community. If someone does something bad on YOUR world, its up to you to ban him, mute him, or do nothing. It was the community responsible for themselves. It was up to the owner of the world/server. If you didn’t agree with the owner, you could leave. After all, it is his world/server.

Anyway, I’m sure you can see what i’m saying here.

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