10 Facts About Minecraft Axolotls


Axolotls are, as you know, endangered in real life. This is why the Axolotl was added into Minecraft.


Many people don’t know that in real life, there is no such thing as a blue axolotl. But there is such thing as a yellow (gold), pink, cyan (the one that looks white-ish) and brown (wild) axolotl. The reason the blue axolotl is so rare (1 in 1200 chance of spawning) is because this 1 in 1200 chance is approximately the number of axolotls left in real life.


There was an unreleased green variant of the axolotl that was shown during the Minecraft Live 2020 recap which was not shown during the live event. The green isn’t like any other though: it was a pale lime, that, to be honest with you, looks kinda very cool. When asked on a livestream, Agnes said that she couldn’t say why the green variant was cut from the game.


Many, many, many of you know this. According to Minecraft, the axolotl mob is the cutest predator. And it’s true. It attacks every underwater mob except turtles, dolphins and its own kind.


Axolotls can, as you probably know, play dead. If these cute mobs take damage underwater, they play dead (freeze) and healing particles will appear. When other mobs see them play dead, they stop attacking them, as they think that they ARE dead. While the axolotl plays dead, it heals slowly too.


If an axolotl attacks a mob, help finish off the mob. It’s a benefit for all. You’re safe, the axolotl it safe, AND you get regeneration PLUS an achievement if you hadn’t done it already!


Axolotls can be bred using tropical fish. Some people confuse themselves thinking that you use plain, dead tropical fish. But axolotls don’t like that! They like living tropical fish from a bucket! In real life, axolotls eat living fish, too.


When two axolotls breed, they have a 1 in 1200 chance for their baby to be a blue variant. Otherwise, the baby’s color is random. The parents can’t be bred again for another 5 minutes (Java Edition) or 1 minute (Bedrock Edition). Babies become adults in 20 minutes but you can use buckets of tropical fish to reduce the time by 10%.


As I’ve said, the blue variant of the axolotl doesn’t exist in real life. The blue variant was a suggestion by user Darkiceflame on the r/minecraftsuggestions subreddit. It is a reference to Mudkip from the Pokémon series.


On the axolotl texture file, there used to be a hidden mouth in the texture files before 21w18a. The mouth was wide open.

For more information about these cute predators, you can search some information up on the Official Minecraft Wiki.

Article by Craft

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