7 things and features about Minecraft 1.19
Minecraft 1.19 is coming soon. Here are some important things you should know about it! Also, they should really consider calling 1.19 the realistic update, because they added roots, frog eggs, tadpoles and basically everything realistic.
No.7: Frogs
Frogs are cool, i guess. They can eat small slimes, dropping slimeballs. They can also eat small magma cubes, dropping froglights. They have a bunch of cool things like they have tadpoles and stuff, but that’s not really important.

No.6: Firefly!!1!
A cool mob with a, “simple” texture! Also glows in the dark

No.5: Boats with chests now exist
Boats were cool. Now we have boats with chests! Useful as a cheap hopper system if you can’t afford an actual hopper system. Also comes in handy when exploring.
No.4: Swamps and Forests get updated
Swamps (because of their boringness) are getting updated to make them more interesting (i hope they add shrek!). Same with forests. I’d love to tell you what they’re going to add, but they haven’t said what they’re going to update!
No.3: New way to get clay
Clay is pretty cool. Now there’s a new way to get it: place mud over a dripstone block with a stalactite dripstone growing under. The dripstone dries it out, producing a clay block.
No.2: Mangrove
Adds a new tree, called the mangrove tree, with its own fruit AND is grown from a mangrove propagule. Mangroves can even be grown underwater! Also contains mud, which looks like cyan terracotta and stone at the same time.

Also they now have mud bricks (probably better then adding concrete slab) and stuff.
No.1: The Mystery of the Deepslate Frame (unofficial name)
The Deepslate Frame generates at the center of every end city. They have an unknown purpose, but that hasn’t been revealed. It seems incredibly rare, so maybe it has a useful property.

Edit: I think the deepslate frame is just a really hard block but thats it