10 Ultimate Weapons to Use against Mobs in Minecraft

Mobs can be a bit tricky to deal with, so here are 10 of the best weapons to use against them!

No.10: Smite

Enchanting a sword with smite can really help against undead mobs (zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, etc.) but it’s costly. A high level of this enchantment itself is pretty hard to get, so it should be put on a diamond weapon… but diamond is expensive too! The best way to use this is by getting a medium-level enchantment of this (e.g: Smite 3, Smite 2) and using it on iron. The thing about iron is that with an anvil, combining the enchanted sword with a normal sword fixes its durability. Just make sure to stock up on iron!

No.9: Iron Golems

Costly, but efficient! They can take down medium amounts of strong enemies well, but tend to struggle against massive (really massive) hordes of mobs.

Iron Golems in Minecraft: Everything players need to know
1v1 of the century

No.8: Invisibility Potions

These are easy to make when you have access to nether fortresses, but require you to take off all your armor! It’s risky. Mobs can still see you if you get really close. Not just that, because you need to take your armor off, you take extreme damage from natural things (e.g: falling, lava, fire)!

No.7: Supreme Armor

Costly, efficient, and even more costly. Though you can walk through large hordes of mobs unharmed, you need netherite if you don’t want to be pushed to the moon by those mobs! But that’s not really much… what is, is the insane amount of time you’ll need to make that!

No.6: TNT

Costly, but worth it against a massive horde of powerful mobs. TNT deals heavy area damage, meaning that any mob (or player!) near it when it explodes takes a massive hit. Most mobs (except bosses and mini-bosses) won’t be able to survive the blast of a single piece of TNT. A better, cost-efficient way to do this is when in the nether or end, use a bed. Trying to sleep in one deals more damage than TNT!

No.5: Swords

Swords. The best weapons against mobs. Though sometimes an axe might be better against a players, a sword is always better. Swords have a much higher DPS (damage per second) and can sweep attack. Swords also attack rapidly, so mobs will get knocked back before they can get close to you.

No.4: Fireworks on a crossbow

If you put a firework in your offhand and load a crossbow, you load a firework! Make sure to use as many firework stars as possible when making one, as more firework stars means more damage! When fired, they explode on impact (java edition). If you’re on bedrock edition, fireworks are pretty much useless when it comes to combat.

No.3: Redstone

Redstone is incredibly powerful if you know how to use it! You can create supercharged fire arrow launchers or a floor that turns into lava! The best part about redstone is traps. You can use those mobs to make you rich! You see, most mobs want to destroy turtle eggs. They’ll try and get to them. So, what you can do is put opened trapdoors at the places where they’ll walk on. They’ll fall right through, and once that happens, you use something to kill them! Use hoppers to collect their drops, and use the hoppers to transfer those items into chests! But remember, make sure to place a block above the turtle egg so it isn’t exposed to the sky! If it is, it could hatch…

No.2: Despawning

Remember, if no players are in an area, all un-named mobs will disappear. It requires you to travel a bit, but probably worth it if your house is being surrounded by strong mobs! But remember, some mobs, like bosses and mini-bosses also don’t despawn.

No.1: Blocks

Something people tend to forget is that almost no mob can break blocks by itself. Only a few mobs can destroy blocks, and most of them can only do so with the presence of a player. You can dig a tunnel to your house at night, and nothing can disturb you as long as it’s all lit up and you don’t dig into any caves. If you do dig into a cave, you can kill the nearby mobs and build a wall.

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