3 Commands: The Basics (#1)

Are you a command noob? These are 3 simple commands that you MUST know if you want to start using commands. I’ve decided to make 3 of ‘3 Commands:’ and then what their topic is, ‘The Basics’. Be sure to check them all out!

Command One

You’ve gotta know this one to start off. If you wanna go from ‘Commander Noob’ to ‘Commander Pro’, I hope this’ll help. This is just the basics, so most people know this one. Basically, you need a COMMAND BLOCK. Ever seen one? I don’t want to show you, I want you to see for yourself. Follow the instructions. The one in Bold (thick fonts, like this: TEST) is the command. Don’t mix it up!


  • Open chat.
  • Type this comand:

/give @p command_block 64

Happy I got that over with, I am. This is the most important command. It can give you cool stuff, like particles and more, but I’ll teach you that one in another article. And, replace the 64 with the amount of command blocks wanted!

Command Two

This will work on either the command block or chat. Actually, for this command, I like using chat. It saves time. But the reason of command blocks are because chat has a limited amount of letters you can write. Whereas, for the command block, it has a larger capacity. Anyway, this is known as the ‘/give command’ (pronounce with ‘slash’ or not is up to you). If you used it in the first command, you can use it in the second one. This gives you ANYTHING — even stuff you can’t find in the creative inventory! Cool, right? Okay, now, same format as the last command, so here goes;


  • Open chat.
  • Type in this command:

/give @p _________

Fill in the blank with whatever item you want. Here’s one you might have not known:

/give @p barrier 64

And here’s an example:

/give @p loom 64

Replace the ’64’ with the amount you want.

Command Three

Glad I made it 3 and not 5 or 10 or 20 or something like that.

Well, this is one used most likely if creating a minigame or something. Ya know the format, I have more articles to write, let’s get a move on, shall we?

This is called the ‘/say command’, if I’m not wrong. Maybe, if you’re creating a guide, but might forget what to say, and can’t be there at the time, just place a command block, place a lever on the command block while crouching, then uncrouch. Click on the command block, then do this:


  • Open up the command block.
  • Type this command:

/say ____________________

Fill in the blanks with the message you want to say. Here’s an example:

/say Hello new fellow players! This is a mini-game called Race. First one to the finish line wins. 3, 2, 1, go!

Honestly, that was a lot to go through…! See ya in another article,



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