5 Minecraft Super Secrets You Likely Didn’t Know

The most tip-top secret Minecraft features

No.1: Mobs can’t walk through the gap between 2 end rods or lightning rods, while players can. That means that if you use lightning rods and the mobs are still waiting outside during a thunderstorm, they’re going to get struck by lightning!

No.2: You can shoot through the gap between 2 honey blocks! This includes arrows, eggs, ender pearls, snowballs and well, probably almost every projectile!

No.3: It’s possibe to get an infinite dirt farm (if you’re that insane to have mined out all the dirt in your world). Since you need 2 dirt (and 2 gravel) to make 4 coarse dirt (which can then be tilted into normal dirt), you can get the infinite gravel through piglin bartering (and the gold through killing zombified piglins)

No.4: TNT can only be blocked by a shield if another player ignites it. Shields are useless against TNT if it is lit by the player itself, redstone, and others.

No.5: The damage of an explosion is greatly reduced if there is a block between it and your feet (since explosion damage is decided based on how much damage it dealt to your feet)

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