How to escape Minecraft traps

Minecraft traps can be really annoying, especially if people are always trying to troll you! Here are a few of the most common Minecraft traps and how to prevent and escape them!

Powdered Snow Trap:

Prevention: Powdered snow looks different than normal snow and you can tell them apart if you pay close attention. Or, you could just put on leather boots and you can walk right on it.

Escaping: Escaping powdered snow is actually pretty easy. Just take out your shovel and mine. If you somehow can’t, check your inventory for leather armor and equip it.

Piston Lava Trap:

Prevention: Piston traps require a trigger to activate. This means that you need to step on a pressure plate or open a trapped chest for it to trigger. If you spot source of power (e.g: trapped chests, pressure plates, buttons, tripwire hooks), destroy it.

Escaping: Use a water bucket, a fire resistance potion, chorus fruit, an ender pearl, or wear good armor.

Stalactite/Anvil Trap:

Prevention: Stalactites or anvils can deal colossal damage if dropped from a great height. This means that there has to be a big hole in the ceiling. It’s either that or they’re literally right n front of your eyes (e.g: There are stalactites on the ceiling for “decoration”.)

Escaping: Wear a helmet or get out of the way.


Prevention: Just like the piston lava trap, this requires a signal to work. Don’t step on pressure plates, trigger tripwire hooks, or anything like that if you feel that a landmine is nearby.

Escaping: Either you can run, or place a block to shield your feet.

Arrow Dispenser Trap:

Prevention: Like the piston lava trap and the landmine, the arrow dispenser trap requires a signal to work. Don’t step on pressure plates, trigger tripwire hooks, or anything like that if you feel that a landmine is nearby.

Escaping: Shields do a great job at blocking arrows. Armor can reduce the damage taken or, you could just place blocks to block the arrows or just run.

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