All Minecraft Structures and Their Information – Explorer’s Guide

Structures are unique buildings in Minecraft which are auto-generated by the game. Most of these structures contain loot for the player, such as diamonds or enchanted books. Some are trapped, such as desert and jungle temples, while others, such as dungeons, are guarded.

Desert Temple:

These are pyramids with terracotta in the middle. When you find the terracotta, destroy it to reveal the secret chest room. You will find four chests and a pressure plate. Destroy the pressure plate and loot the four chests. Take the TNT under the floor. Beware that if you step on the pressure plate (no, not for eating!) you, your inventory, AND the loot goes boom!

Woodland Mansion:

Woodland mansions are a rare structure only found in roofed forests. It’s well known to have bad loot. However, many of these people did not count totems of undying or the secret rooms. Even if you got unlucky and the loot was bad, Woodland Mansions are fun to attack. Not only that, in a woodland mansion you are guaranteed enchanted axes and the loot for the chests in there mean that if you need a diamond hoe or chestplate, these are good places to find them. An easy way to find these rare structures is to trade with a cartographer villager. Before you go out on your expedition, make sure to gear up! The mobs guarding that place are tough! And remember this: break through walls and ceilings and stuff like that because, in these mansions, you’re bound to find secret rooms. The two best are: The room with obsidian, which is meant to look like a dragon egg. Break the obsidian to uncover a diamond block. And 2 is this room with this 3×3 lava box encased in glass. Turn all the lava into cobblestone and obsidian and mine through it for a diamond block!!!

the thing that’s meant to look like a dragon egg
Turn the lava into obsidian or cobblestone, then mine it to uncover a diamond block!
There are way too many secret rooms for me to show you (oh, pro tip, if you see an illager face made of wool break through it cuz its likely to uncover a secret room, or if not, then dig into its head and it may reveal a lapis block, which is meant to be its brain). If you’re that insane, you might want to turn that beautiful mansion into your house!

Well now the mobs, i guess. The mobs found in there are the Evoker (Mini-Boss), Vindicator (Hostile Mob), the Vex (summoned by evokers), and the common overworld mobs, such as the zombie and creeper.

Mob:Damage:Heath:Spawn Rate (woodland Mansions):Abilities:Description:
Vindicator:7 (Easy) 13 (medium) 19 (hard)24HighMelee Axe AttackA Tough, Axe-Holding Guard which is one of the strongest in the game. With high health and colossal damage, this is an incredibly strong mob which should be avoided if you only have weak gear.
Evoker6 (JE), 4 (BE, Easy), 6 (BE, Normal), 9 (BE, Hard)24LowFang Summon, Vex Summon, Sheep Color Change?One of the deadliest Minecraft Mobs. When you’re close, it’ll summon fangs out of the ground that deals some damage. However, that’s probably their weakest attack. They can also summon vexes – which is worse than 10 vindicators. To see Vex, look at the row underneath this one. Evokers summon 3 Vexes per summon. Oh, and they turn blue sheep red, but that’s just a little easter egg.
Vex5.5 (Easy), 9 (Normal) 13.5 (Hard)14MediumFly through walls, Fly, Mini Hitbox, Iron Sword Attack Summoned by evokers, these things are incredibly small and fast, making them hard to hit, can fly, can even fly through walls, and have a high heath and damage! These take the evokers an average of 1.666 (it’s a repeating decimal) seconds to summon each, meaning that if you don’t finish the evoker off quick, you’ll end up being swarmed by these things and then killed. What’s even worse is that most of the time they’ll be inside blocks or hiding behind them. When they feel like attacking, they’ll charge into and through you, taking about 1-2 seconds and dealing massive damage, and you won’t even know what hit you. If you’re being swarmed, here’s my tips: If you have weak gear, its a GG for you. If you have strong gear, search your inventory for iron and a pumpkin. If you have it, make an iron golem quick and run. If you don’t, just run. Remember to constantly heal up by eating (JE) or by eating golden apples or drinking heath potions (BE & JE). Even if you have weak gear, you might be able to survive if you’re on a high area and can jump into water and run. And you might even get away by just running. If you really wanna kill them, use explosives.
them bad mobs

so you get it, the whole mansion thing.

Nether Fortress:

A well guarded fortress containing the most important Minecraft items, such as blaze rods and nether wart. Not recommended to loot unless you have good enough gear. To find one of these requires crossing deadly terrain, from lava oceans to fiery mountains of doom. Not just that, but when you’re in sight of those fortress guards, they’ll fire countless fireballs at you. When you enter, wither skeletons will melee attack you. If you’re on java, this is a great place for loot. On bedrock… (*slowly walks away*)

Anyway, it’s pretty useful, but dangerous. Make sure you have good gear before entering one of these things! It’s needed for potions and getting to the end, etc.


Probably one of Minecraft’s most iconic structures. If a player wished to defeat the Ender Dragon, they would have to go here. These are maze like structures that has an end portal room. Other than that, they have a storage room, a dungeon room, et cetera. The portal room requires a maximum of 12 eyes of ender to activate and go to the end and stuff.


A small room with with chests, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone and a spawner. The loot is absolutely terrible and the spawner spawns monsters which is useful for unlimited drops and XP. Never ever ever break the spawner as breaking it only gives you a bit of xp, when using it gives you unlimited XP AND drops.

Ruined Portal:

Ruined Portals are common structures that can generate anywhere, from underground to the seabed, and can be found in the nether and the overworld, but not the end. They have a 2% chance to spawn as a large ruined portal (a giant portal, who knows, maybe created by ghasts to come to the overworld?)

Ruined Portals in Minecraft: Everything players need to know
just a normal day in minecraft… oh wow some multiplayer friends built this amazing thing! Wait… it’s singleplayer?

Bastion Remnant:

Huge, unfinished castle like structures that have 4 varieties: The housing units, Treasure room, Hoglin stables and the ”Bridge variant” that has piglin carved faces. The treasure room guarantees lots of  gold and some chests to loot. The housing units offer some nether wart to loot. Each bastion type offers a unique type of loot.

Buried Treasure:

A chest hidden on the shore which can be found using a Buried Treasure Map which can be found in shipwreck chests (now it’s really starting to sound like buried treasure!). Contains great loot such as TNT, Diamonds, a Heart of the Sea and Iron.


Shipwrecks look like sunken ships made of wood. They contain 1 to 3 chests inside. Large shipwrecks contain 3 chests. Each chest has a chance to contain a Buried Treasure Map and minerals.

*pirate moment*

Ocean Ruins:

An underwater structure made from mossy, cracked and regular stone bricks. Each chest has a 41.7% chance to contain a buried treasure map. They can also contain some things that may help you early game.

The underwater ruins are looking nice, but in my opinion the loot should be  better than wheat and rotten flesh.: Minecraft

Ocean monument:

 Ocean monuments are huge structures found in any deep ocean biome. They are guarded by guardians and elder guardians. In the center are 8 gold blocks but you can’t mine your way. Instead, you must make your way through this maze-like structure as elder guardians will project its ghostly image of it when it inflicts you with mining fatiuge. Mining fatiuge will obviously prevent block mining and reduce attack speed (hence its name). Another reward is the nice blocks called prismarine to use in builds. Also you can get sponges that absorb a lot of water in an area.

Abandoned Mineshaft:

These are underground structures filled with rails, cobwebs, wood planks, fence gates, torches, chest minecarts etc. The held loot in the chest minecarts can be terrible or awesome. The best loot holds enchanted golden apples (1.4% chance), diamonds at a 10.4% chance, enchanted books at a 14.1% chance while the worst is nothing (Nothing does not refer to an empty chest. It refers to no additional loot) at a 7% rate, torches at a 65.7% rate, and beetroot seeds at a 31.6% rate. They also contain cave spider spawners (poisonous spiders), exposed ore, emergency wood, rails and more! A great place to collect resources!

Witch Hut:

Witch huts are structures made of wood found in the swamplands. They contain a crafting table, cauldron and flower pot. In the bedrock edition, you can bring glass bottles and scoop up some free potions or use arrows to scoop up the potion effect to turn regular arrows into tipped arrows on the bedrock edition. A single cauldron can create 64 tipped arrows.

Jungle Temple:

Jungle temples are structures found in jungles made of mossy and regular cobblestone. Inside are 2 chests, 1 protected by automatic redstone arrow shooters and the other hidden and can only be accessed by solving the lever puzzle or breaking in.The lever puzzle goes like this. Pull the Innermost lever, outermost then middle. Then push back the middle, innermost then outermost. Go upstairs (ground floor) to see if a spot opened up.


Structures found in the desert and swampland, they have multiple varieties, being big or small. They are made from bone blocks and coal ore. 1 bone block can be crafted into 9 bonemeal.

no one told me dinosaurs were in minecraft!

Amethyst geode:

large rooms with with outer layers of tuff and calcite with an inner layer of amethyst blocks. This is the only place to find amethyst crystals, and amethyst blocks, which are useful for things like tinted glass and spyglasses.


Structures made from snow and Ice, it contains a furnace, redstone torch and crafting table. It’s worth it to destroy the carpet as 50% of all igloos have secret basements which entrance can be found under the carpet. In the basement, there is  a loot chest, a brewing stand which contain a splash potion of weakness. It’s also useful for an emergency base, as it comes fully furnished, with a crafting table, furnace, bed, and redstone torch. If you want, you can cure the zombie villager in the prison cell, and breed it with the other villager in the other cell next to it to begin a huge villager trading farm, which can give you valuable treasures easily like mending books.


A village made from houses, normally a well and if lucky, a blacksmith which contains valuable loot such is iron, armor and diamonds in its chest. It’s populated by villagers, that can be bred and traded with. Trading can wield valuable items. Villagers can produce iron golems if there enough, Iron golems help kill hostile mobs and have 100 points of health, deal 6-20 points of damage, launch the enemy far into the air, which when landing will deal fall damage, has knockback resistance and is immune to drowning and fall damage. An Iron golem is a semi-neutral mob meaning that it only attacks under the right conditions. It will attack players (unless the player created the golem) when it attacks the golem or when the popularity of the player is low enough, naturally spawned golems will attack the player.

Pillager Outpost:

Large, watchtower like structures filled with pillagers and few ravagers. Pillagers attack from range using a crossbow at a slow rate of 1 arrow every 2 seconds but ensure maximum damage as crossbows must be fully charged before firing. Crossbows also have a longer range and higher damage than standard bows. They can also spawn with enchantments but the most effective are piercing, which pierce through shields and entities, multishot, which fires 3 arrows at once for the price of 1 and quick charge which decreases reload time. Unbreaking and mending are good for the player but not for mobs as a crossbow cannot break when used by a mob.

End City:

Rare, Japanese-Style fortresses guarded by shulkers. Contains the best loot in the game, but can only be found in the far end, which is only accessible once the player has entered the end. End cities are unique, meaning that each end city will have different amount of loot and size than other end cities. Sometimes, if the end city is large enough, it may generate with a floating ship next to it, called an end ship. End ships can contain some great loot and a guaranteed elytra.

I finally found Japan in Minecraft!!!

now the second half of this article was really starting to sound like, well a proper article

Article by By @Adefeater

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