Among us. You would’ve probably known this game after its huge spike in popularity in 2020. I’m here in 2022, and after a few updates, I think its now worth playing!

Among us was created in 2018. It wasn’t popular back then, though. The game is about convincing and lying – while it may sound boring, it’s actually a lot of fun. You had a role – either an impostor or a crewmate. Crewmates do tasks and try to find the impostor. The impostor has to sabotage and kill, as well as convincing the crew that they aren’t impostors.

And then, in 2020, it became extremely popular. Everyone knew about it. It even went on to become the most downloaded game of 2020. It never got old. But at the end of 2020, an update changed everything. It banned you from playing without an account, and you couldn’t even speak freely. You couldn’t really even pick your username anymore. This caused among us to die in a matter of weeks.

But recently, I reinstalled the game, and it got a huge update! There are mini-roles now. If you are an impostor, you could either be a normal impostor or a shapeshifter. Shapeshifters are impostors than can shift into other crewmates. If you’re a crewmate, you can be a normal crewmate, an engineer, or a scientist. Engineers can vent, and scientists can check to see who’s alive anytime. Once you die, you can be a guardian angel who can protect other crewmates from impostors by shielding them. If you’re hosting a game and don’t like these mini-roles, set them to 0%. They also added a friends system, and you can now speak freely! However, you still can’t play online without an account (which is a real shame). I’m pretty sure they added a bunch of other things too!

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