basically base defenses to use against mobs which require literally 0 knowledge

No.5: Sweet berry bushes

Sweet berries. A sweet way to have enemies slowly get killed by the sharp thorns of a berry bush (and I thought the monsters were bad!). It slows them down, while the armor-piercing thorns destroy enemies.

What are the best uses of sweet berries in Minecraft?
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Evoker in Minecraft: Spawning, Behavior, Drops & Trivia
Who would win? A sorcerer which summons fangs from the ground and ghosts to annihilate his enemies? Or one planty boi

No.4: Iron Golem

Iron golems. Expensive, strong, and powerful. Packing a heavy punch, these things will send anyone who faces them into the air. JUST KIDDING! Maybe half of that was true, because they’re 3 blocks tall and 2 blocks wide. While they’re struggling, trying to get through a door, a skeleton would have already fired a thousand shots, enough to kill it.

No.3: L A N D M I N E S

Simple. Strong. The opposite of cost-efficient. To make one of these, dig a two block hole into the ground. Then, add a block of gravel or sand above it. Finally, add a stone pressure plate above the sand or gravel. Anyone who steps on that pressure plate is turned to ashes… until they respawn

MC-189584] Missing Explosion Particles - Jira
The beautiful particles you are rewarded with after stepping on a landmine

No.2: lava moat + opened trapdoors lol

Yup. Just make sure you don’t get too hot in your house! These mobs somehow think it’s fine to walk into lava only if there’s an opened trapdoor above it. The good thing about this is that it gives you a renewable source of kills!!1!

No.1: green defenses

Okay fine i guess it’s sort of unfair because number 5 was sweet berry bushes, but i couldn’t think of anything else ok

Wither roses give anyone (who clearly knows nothing about minecraft) who steps on it wither, which is pretty cool? Bamboo is powerful for being able to block projectiles and prevents any large enemies from getting through. Water with 1 dry block in between the water and the place you can climb up to get out of the water traps any mob which gets in, so they have to rethink their decisions while despawning (now thats just cruel D:).

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