BTD Battles – Top 5 BEST Rushes (#2)

Killing your opponent can be hard on BTD Battles. This article will show you the the best rushes to beat them (part 2)!

No.5: Yellow rush

Yellows are fast, deadly and come in large numbers. Most towers will end up getting pierce capped to these things. Constantly sending them can either: a) Do absolutely nothing b) Force an upgrade or c) Kill your opponent.

My Opponent Died To This YELLOW RUSH! | BTD Battles - YouTube

No.4: Leads and Whites

Send 5 sets of grouped leads (unlocks at round 15), followed by 5 sets of grouped whites. It’s an easy way to either beat your enemy or force a boost.

No.3: CoBRUH

The cobra is WAY too overpowered. Here’s how to use it:

R1: Build one cobra, upgrade it to wired funds, and build another one, also with wired funds, which is only possible if you get 24 seconds in without all the bloons being popped yet.

R2: Build another type of tower to deal with the bloons. Start ecoing.

R3-9: Continue ecoing, until you get 400 eco. Build more wired funds.

R10: Get a lead popping power tower. Make sure all your cobras are on “strong”

R12: Get a camo detecting tower

R16: Start upgrading all your wired funds to bloon adjustments

R17: Get up a MOAB popping power tower and Misdirection Cobra (2/4) near the place where sent bloons spawn.

R20: If he sends a BFB, misdirect it when it reaches the misdirection cobra.

R22: Enemy should struggle, if he doesn’t, continue getting more bloon adjustment cobras

R25: If your opponent doesn’t die after R25, get up a better defense and prepare to battle MOAB-Class bloons.

R27: A.I MOABs come out for the first time

R32: Make sure your bloon adjustments are ready to destroy your opponent, because on R32 adjustments are incredibly overwhelming

R36: If your opponent still lives, sell those cobras and get a strong defense. Get some misdirections to misdirect BFBs

R46: If the game still continues, rush your opponent with grouped ZOMGs (it’ll work if you rush him earlier too!)

No.2: Tactical baiting

If your enemy’s strategy can easily be beaten with a certain rush, underdefend and greed to get him to spend all his money on rushes, so when you rush him, he has little money to defend.

No.1: Bait rush

Before all-outing, spend little money on a tiny rush. Hopefully, your enemy boosts. Right after the boost ends, send them the all out. Since there’s a boost cooldown, your enemy can’t boost.

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1 Response

  1. 06/01/2022

    […] here for BTD Battles – Best Rush Strategies (#2). Click here for 10 ways to erase regrow rainbows in BTD […]

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