Category: Gaming

27 Rarest Blocks in Minecraft 0

27 Rarest Blocks in Minecraft

Here are the 50 Rarest Blocks in Minecraft (Note that this may not be 100% accurate). Actually it’s not really that accurate anymore after the updates. No.1: Block of Netherite No.2: Deepslate Emerald No.3:...


3 Commands: Getting There! (#2)

These are 3 commands that you might want to know if you want to learn about commands. Keep in mind that this is post 2/3, so watch out for post 3/3! If you haven’t yet checked out ‘3 Commands: The Basics’ (post 1/3), I recommend you check that out first. By Craft 😀


3 Commands: The Basics (#1)

These are 3 essential commands if you’d like to learn about commands. This is only post 1/3, so keep your eyes peeled for post 2/3 and post 3/3! Tips by Craft =D