The Dynamite Diaries

12 July, Saturday

Creeper, aw man! Today, it’s raining SO bad! Which means that I can’t go to my friend Enderman’s, Inky’s, house! It’s probably what he’d call ‘bad luck’ if he heard me right now. And, even worse, the new school will be starting in TWO DAYS! TWO!

13 July, Sunday

At least it’s sunny today! I’m in a perfectly good mood, especially since today’s lunch was beef, from a cow, and everyone knows I love beef. But, even BETTER, Mom gave me permission to go to Inky’s house! I wonder what games he’ll invite me to…?

As soon as I rang the bell, Inky opened the door, as if he was WAITING. Who cares anyway?

“‘Sup,” he said.

“Nothing,” I replied. But I noticed that something WAS up.

“Nah, dude, something’s definitely up,” said Inky, seeing my face.

“I-i-is there a cat in here or WHAT?” I joked.

“Oh right. Sorry about that. Yesterday, I got a REAL cool present. Remember what day it was yesterday?” said Inky, half excited, half disappointed, because I forgot what day it was.

“OH! Your BIRTHDAY!” I said suddenly. That ought to put a smile on his face. “RIGHT! I have a present for you, but I made it a month ago, so… Yeah. And I forgot to bring it… Sorry about that.” I scratched my head. “So… What smells like cat in here?” I asked.

“Uh-huh… Well, D, visiting me might come a bit harder… My grandma gave me a CAT. Her name is Jelly! Isn’t she cute? It’s named after her species, which is Jelly species, and it honestly sounds weird, but I like it,” said Inky.

Oh yeah, just a small interruption. My name is Dynamite, but people call me ‘D’ for short. Right now, I’m 12, and Inky just turned 12. My birthday’s in February… February the 29th, to be exact. Some of you might be like, “But, D, there’s no 29th day in August!”, but some of you might be like, “What a rare chance!”. If you wanted to know, February the 29th only comes during a leap year, meaning every four years. But my family just celebrates it on the 28th when it’s a non-leap year.

“Uhm… Uh…! Erm…!!! Ok…?” I said, in a panicky tone of voice.

“We all know you hate cats, D, so when I told my grandma you hate cats, and that you always come to visit, she pulled some slimeballs and string out of a chest, teleported to the nearest crafting table, and crafted a lead! Unluckily, yesterday, it was raining cats and wolves, so she had to teleport over instead of us going to her, because I haven’t passed my teleporting test yet,” explained Inky.

“Anyway, Inky, is that slime block trampoline still available? I’m really in the mood for some bouncing…” I said, trying to change the topic. He simply smiled, and we sprinted to his garden.

It had some dirt that stood out against the grass, but it was less than two days ago. There was still some coarse dirt, but everymob knows that they can’t turn to grass! There was a pond of water with lily pads, too, and an oak tree beside the pond. There were some birch fences surrounding the garden, and some tropical fish in the pond. There were also a few chickens, and a cow. There was also a sheep, probably for wool, explaining the daily new dirt patches. There was also grass pathways, some cobblestone mixed. And, not forgetting, some grass (a few long ones, Inky hates long ones though) and flowers!

“Ugh,” said Inky. “What’s the tick speed?! I HATE long grass! Why did Notch create such a thing?! At least the poppies stand out though…”

And, after some time, at the end of the garden, the VERY end, there it was; the trampoline.

We climbed the ladder, and jumped; BOUNCE! BOUNCE! We bounced till it stopped.

“I’m bored,” said Inky, after a few minutes. “What’s say, let’s check on the fish.”

“Okay!” I agreed, hurrying along, behind Inky.

Then, all of a sudden, he stopped abruptly. I almost bumped into him!

“Inky, what’s wro–” I cut off, seeing bones and dead tropical fish, floating on the pond surface. Maybe, they despawned? Who knows?

“Exploding mobs, WHAT HAPPENED?” I asked, rather loudly.

“I… I–I don’t…” said Inky, collecting the drops. “know.” He sighed, then sat on the wet grass.

“Well, at least you have a cat!” I said, trying to stop him feeling sad.

“Yeah…” He sprinted out of the house, probably thowing the drops into some nearby cacti.

When he came back, I told him I had to go home, since it was getting late, and school would be starting tomorrow. He agreed, and I left, sprinting home.

14 July, Monday

School… What a bad place you could possibly go to. At least I’m going with Inky!

After getting ready for school, I waited for Inky outside his house while my older sister, Lime, set off.

After a few minutes he exited, Jelly trying to sqeeze through the door. We chatted on our way to school, calculating at what time we’d arrive to school, talking about Jelly, and about what possibly happened to the fish.

After ten minutes, we arrived at school, ten minutes early. We were really bored, so we played a game to see who could keep quiet the longest till the teacher came.

After the the teacher arrived, we started our first lesson, English. I’ll skip this part.

Then we did some Maths. I’ll skip this, too.

Then we had Enchanting lessons. This is a bit interesting. You see, in this class, we learn about the different types of enchanting names, what can be enchanted and whatnot, and what you can use to enchant.

We had a project, which was to enchant an item with enchants. Then, we had to do a write up on cardboard, and explain about how you did it, what it’s enchanted with, and what you use to enchant it, etc., etc.

After that, our final lesson, was Mob-History. I like this subject, too. Basically, we learn how Minecraft was coded, and the history. Like, how my kind, Creepers, were an accident. And how I’m made of numbers and letters. And the sound effect the game uses. ANDDDDDDD my texture.

In the middle of all that, there was lunch break. Mom gave me money to buy food at the cafeteria, so I got mutton, along with spending some money to buy some bread and a water bottle at the vending machine.

At home, I had a BUNCH of homework. Especially Mob-History. They gave us a TON of questions, like, ‘Why do players attack mobs?’ or ‘Who was the first player skin to be invented?’ ORRRR ‘Steve was said to be enemies with Alex when Alex was added. Explain.’. Super boring stuff. Ya know? Ah… I SMELL COOKIES! Ooh, some milk as well! Wait a sec, lemme get down there to have the first crafted cookie! DIBS!

15 July, Tuesday

When’s it gonna be my birthday?! I’m HUNGRY… for presents (lol).

Anyway, I’ve already been to school. I’m starting to work on my Enchanting project. It’s due in two months, but who cares, I still need time! At this rate, I need to start skipping writing when the boring days come…

As I was saying, I’m starting on my project. First, though, I need an anvil, or enchanting table, but I’ll probably do the anvil. Enchanting tables cost way too much. But even WORSE, I don’t have enough money for an anvil. A private one, that is. I’ve been saving up, but those sales… During Easter, Halloween and Christmas, that is. BILLIONS of sales! Sorry! I can’t help buying chocolate bars, chocolate eggs, and candy!

I have two plans: Ask Dad to help make it, or ask Inky to borrow one. My baby brother, Sparked, is quite annoying when it comes to arriving at home. When I TRY to do my homework, Sparked keeps EXPLODING. It causes way too much noise. Plus, his room is right beside mine!

Operation Get-Dad-To-Make-Me-An-Anvil is a-go!

“Erm… Dad? I need some help. It involves iron,” I told Dad, who was working in the garage.

“Okay! What do you need?” he said.

“I need some help to make an anvil.”

“Huh… Okay, but we’re short of 9 iron. What’s the anvil for?”

“I need an anvil to enchant my pickaxe. It’s upstairs, I’ve been saving up 3 diamonds for one. Swords don’t come in any uses, and boots or any other armor pieces’ll just break if I explode. Oh yeah, and I have a Fortune II book, but I can’t find another one to make Fortune III.”

“Okay! I have a perfect plan!”

Dad said that he’d take Sparked, tickle him, and make him explode, in our mine. Because…

Sparked: Laugh = Explode

Sparked: Cry = Explode

Sparked: Angry = Explode

Sparked: Happy = Explode

Sparked: Bored = Explode

I could go on forever, but we have no time. We grabbed Sparked and I carried him down the mine, Dad leading, us sprinting. At last, we reached the end. No ores in sight, we tickled Sparked and he laughed. Which equals explosion. After a few tickles, I mined all the iron there was, and we left.

In the garage, we waited for the iron to smelt. Then, we went to work. In here though, you can’t CRAFT anvils, but have to MAKE them. We carved the iron, and Dad painted it black. After that (two hours later), we polished the anvil, and hid it in the corner, so Lime wouldn’t use it until it broke (her hobby; disturbing me. I call her the ‘mean sister’ because… ya know. And I call Sparked ‘the exploding baby’, as well).

16 July, Wednesday

Some people have already handed in their projects; Inky and I are handing them in tomorrow. Inky says that he enchanted his with Unbreaking I, because it was the only enchanted book he had.

“Dude, they’re just gonna keep it for a fair! Later, they’ll give it back!” I said, as Inky started looking worried that he’d lose hs only book.

“D, dude… I just realised something!” said Inky, panicstricken.

“Uh-huh?” I said.

“Jelly!” said Inky, just as we reached the cafeteria.

“What about her?” I said curiously.

“No — and yes–” said Inky, thinking about the last two words, “but mostly, no! Look, dude! JELLY! Not like, Jelly the CAT, but, JELLY jelly!”

I saw what he meant. There were jellies being sold at the dessert area. This CLEARLY isn’t vanilla!

“Exploding mobs, what in the Overworld? The admins must’ve added a new jelly mod! Soon, they might even add shaders!” I said, “And what did you mean about Jelly the cat?”

“Well, ever since I got Jelly, I realized that stuff was going… well, wrong. The day I got Jelly, I almost fell down the stairs, into a leak! Water was dripping down from the birch wood ceiling… Luckily, I managed to teleport just in time! Even better, I arrived in the kitchen!” explained Inky.

“Like the tropical fish…” I said wisely.

“Yup!” said Inky.

17 July, Thursday

During Enchant lessons, just now, Inky and I have already submitted it. Most of the class have, too. Anyway, this diary wasn’t much. I’m going to write next, in February, next year! I can’t wait to write about my birthday! Anyways, I’ll see ya, cuz Inky and I have a bunch of homework to do. Honestly… School is just bad. Horrible. Worse than horrible. Worse than what’s worse of horrible. Worse that what’s worse of the worse of horrible. Or to put it shortly, school is the worst.

Goooooood byee!

Story written by Craft

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