How to Defend Rushes in BTD Battles 2

Whether it’s a DDT or a regrow rainbow rush, this article will help you defend the strongest rushes!

Early Game:

The early game shouldn’t be too much of an issue as it takes some time to leak down to zero lives, unlike the rushes in the later game.

Spaced Yellows/Pinks:

It’s quite uncommon to die to one, but if you struggle to defend remember to get up spaced bloon popping power. This means getting up towers with good DPS, but low pierce. Of course, if you want to get a tower with good DPS and pierce, that’s good, but usually expensive.

Spaced Whites/Blacks:

For this, you’ll need good DPS and pierce, such as a 0/2/2 dartling gunner. Quite hard to defend at times, but most of the time you’ll only end up leaking a bit. Tower boost if you need to, but only do so if you don’t have a choice.

Spaced Regrow Zebras:

Dangerous if you don’t know how to handle one. They regrow and multiply rapidly, making them annoying and deadly. Concentrate your DPS in one area to prevent them from regrowing and multiplying. Fortunately, they aren’t too fast, so you’ll have time to tower boost or get up towers if neccessary.

Mid-Game Rushes:

Camo/Normal Grouped Purple Rush:

The infamous purple rush. Purples are fast and strong, and grouped purples come in huge numbers. Magic can’t damage purples, which makes them even worse. To defend, you need a very high DPS tower with lots of pierce. A blade maelstrom does well at defending it, but most players just send a camo purple rush instead! MOAR Glaives+camo detection does quite well, and so does Maelstom+camo detection. An x/3/x dartling gunner excels at destroying them and so does a 2/0/4 bomb. Reactors (4/x/x sub) do well against them too, and there are lots of other good defenders here, but there are too many to list!

Regrow Zebra/Rainbow Rush:

They’re relatively slow, but multiply at a dangerous rate. Use a powerful tower with very high DPS and pierce, especially pierce, such as a maelstrom. Fortunately, they’re very expensive, which makes it very rare for players to send a camo Regrow Zebra/Rainbow Rush rush. Concentrate your DPS.

Regrow/Normal Ceramic Rush:

Ceramics have very high HP. You need a tower with SUPER high DPS and good pierce, such as a 2/0/4 bomb. Regrow ceramics multiply rapidly, but if you can handle the ceramic layer, you probably won’t struggle to its children, unless you have little pierce.


Regular MOABs shouln’t be an issue if you have high DPS, but are a nightmare if you don’t. DPS is very important as the MOAB layer has 200 HP. Then, you have to deal with four ceramics, but they shouldn’t be too much of an issue if you have good pierce and DPS.

Lategame Rushes

Grouped MOABs

You’ll need very high DPS for the MOAB layer, but a high amount of pierce too. Usually, if you die, that means that you lack grouped ceramic defense.

Fortified MOABs:

The MOAB layer usually isn’t an issue, but the Fortified Ceramics they release that prove dangerous. They have very high health, and move quickly, especially if bloon boosted. Use a high Bloon DPS and high MOAB DPS tower. Pierce is also required. An example is the rocket storm ability (for regular bloons) or a sticky bomb (for MOABs.)

Normal/Fortified BFBs:

The BFB layer usually takes some time to destroy, but you should be able to kill the BFB layer after some time. The MOABs prove quite dangerous, but nowhere near as dangerous as the ceramics. Use high super-ceramic dps towers, such as a rocket storm ability.

Fortified ZOMGs:

Yup. That one bloon many people fail to defend. To be honest, you’ll need tons of cash to defend one, to your best bet would be to counterattack with faster bloons. If you know you stand no chance, sell all your farms and some of your defenses to send in:

One or two BFBs

One fortified BFB

A bunch of regular and fortified MOABs, plus whatever other bloons you can send

Don’t forget to bloon boost

If you’re planning on defending, you need crazy (and I mean actually crazy) DPS, and the best super-ceramic defenses out there. An example is an icicle impale+super maelstrom. Or maybe: 10 MOAB Assassins and five 204 recursive clusters. If you have the alchemist with you, use the xx5 alchemist.

Regular/Fortified DDTs:

The killer. Not many can defend this deadly bloon! In order to defend regular ones, a sticky bomb should shred. For fortified ones, use abilities such as a 042 MOAB Assassin. This bloon is the only instance where the MOAB layer is deadlier than its children. You’ll need crazy dps+camo lead detection. Also, a 205 ice monkey (icicle impale) shreds DDTs. So does a 025 glue gunner if you give it camo detection.


BADs, regular or fortified, require some insane DPS just to bring it down to ZOMGs and DDTs. DPS is what most people fail to get when fighting it. Pierce and DDT defense is also needed, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you make to a high enough round to fight one.

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