Minecraft – Creeper

The creeper is a common Minecraft hostile overworld mob that often attacks players by sneaking up behind (hence the name, creeper) then and self-destructing. It deals the highest amount of damage compared to any other mob, dealing a maximum of 127.5 points of damage.

Immune to:

Creepers are immune to wolves and iron golems, which refuse to attack a creeper. Zoglins also will not attack a creeper. Creepers are not attacked by any mob on purpose with the exception of the snow golem (the creepers must have had a really sad backstory but the snow golems were too cold-hearted to listen!), which deals no damage but deals knockback.

Creeper Attack Damage
Easy: 22.5
Normal: 43
Hard: 64.5
Easy: 43.5
Normal: 85
Hard: 127.5 (that’s a record!)
A table showing the damage of a creeper
EditionHitbox Size
Bedrock Edition:Height: 1.8 Blocks, Width 0.6 Blocks
Java Edition:Height: 1.7 Blocks, Width 0.6 Blocks
A table showing the hitbox size of the creeper

Charged Creeper:

A charged creeper is formed when a lightning bolt hits a creeper. A charged creeper is an ordinary creeper but with a blue aura surrounding it.

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Charged creepers do twice the damage of an ordinary creeper, to both blocks and entities. They deal the most damage compared to any other mob in Minecraft (and you thought it was the ender dragon or wither!).


When Notch was creating the pig, he accidentally rotated it and it looked like a creeper. Notch saw hope in that failed pig model and created a new mob and first mob – the Creeper! He made them green to camouflage with grass! They were programmed to sneak up and self destruct, dealing massive amounts of damage (what did you expect? A tank in real life can easily be dealt with a missile!). Back then, a creeper would attack and blow up on death.

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The failed pig model that Notch modified and called a creeper (above)


When within 3 blocks of a player, a creeper stops moving, hisses, flashes and expands and explodes after 1.5 seconds, destroying blocks in the area as well as heavily damaging the player. A creeper’s detonation can be halted if the player leaves the blast radius, including by knocking back it, going out of the creeper’s sight or if the creeper is killed before the explosion. The distance with the player at which a creeper cancels its explosion, is greater at higher difficulties. Normal creeper explosions have a power of 3.

Creepers flee from ocelots and cats within a 6 block radius. Cats and ocelots do not attack creepers. A creeper that is about do detonate will not flee unless the player leaves its blast radius.

Article by @Adeafeater1

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