Minecraft PvP: Anarchy Edition

Minecraft is a huge game, and PvP is a huge topic. This article will talk about Minecraft PvP on anarchy servers.

Anarchy PvP is easily the strongest. On an anarchy server such as 2b2t, players don’t fight each other with swords and bows. They fight with end crystals! End crystals can be placed on obsidian or bedrock and when hit, they explode. The end crystal and previous bed explosion can kill a player with full protection 4 (if placed right), but can be survived if the player eats an Enchanted Golden Apple or wears Blast Protection 4 Armor. This makes them insanely overpowered due to area damage, damage to surroundings ability to one shot and so many more things! This power isn’t even near to being worse than normal PvP! People on anarchy servers also bed trap

Bed trapping is to kill someone repeatedly. You kill them and they respawn. This process continues. However, the use of withers is also deadly. A wither is a powerful boss which will destroy its surroundings and kill all nearby players. They are summoned by the player, making them ideal to use in anarchy combat.

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