Minecraft PvP: Destructive

Destructive PvP isn’t as powerful as anarchy PvP but is stronger than normal PvP.

In destructive PvP, players normally use snowballs, eggs, TNT, redstone, fire, lavacasting, fireworks launched from crosssbows, blocks, sometimes certain weapon enchantments, potions, anvils, and other things similar to that. Eggs and snowballs can be used to stop a chasing enemy by dealing knockback, TNT is a powerful weapon that can be used to deal heavy damage, redstone can create ultimate weapons of doom such as a machine that launches hundreds of TNT per second, fire can be used to deal damage over time and partially block vision, lavacasting can suffocate an enemy or trap an enemy in a base or grief a base, fireworks from crossbows function as missiles that don’t destroy the surroundings, blocks can be used to escape, block TNT or pillar up and throw TNT down, enchantments such as knockback, fire aspect, flame or punch uses which are used in destructive PvP such as Knockback or Fire. Potions can grant things like speed or resistance, making them ideal in this kind of PvP. Anvils deal massive damage to helmets and players, which makes them powerful when an enemy is wearing a powerful helmet or aren’t wearing a helmet.

In short, destructive PvP isn’t as destructive as Anarchy PvP but beats normal PvP.

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