Minecraft PvP (Normal): Tips (Bedrock Edition)

Click here for the Java 1.9+ version, here for the Java 1.8- version. Keep in mind that the bedrock edition and java 1.8- are the same due to them having the same features.

No.5: Look around

If you’re bridging, look around you. There can always we someone waiting to push you off then use the bridge to get to your base! In normal PvP you’ll also need to check if there’s someone nearby. Listen for footsteps.

No.4: Crit n hit

Cps and Critting are the two most important things in bedrock/Java 1.8- PvP. Having a high cps lets you land more hits and longer combos and crits let you deal 150% damage.

No.3: Aim

Aiming is super important. If you can’t aim, then you can’t get hits, which means that you can’t deal damage. Getting you’re aim right is a very important thing.

No.2: Use anvils, fire and suffocation

Armor doesn’t protect as much from these things. Anvils are the key to destroying your opponent’s helmet. Just a -few of them can destroy your opponent’s G-helmet, which can give you huge advanteges in damage dealing, underwater battles, and other things. Fire is the easiest way to deal damage to chasing enemies while running away. If an enemy is trapped in a 1×1, you can throw down some sand, gravel, anvils or pour lava on their head then water.

No.1: Knockback

Knockback’s essential. Reset sprint often to gain a huge knockback boost. Eggs and Snowballs have a high knockback and using knockback enchantments in a place exposed to falls of doom will help you a lot. As soon as an enemy charges at you, fire a projectile and charge to him, so you combo him instead. Using eggs and snowballs while switching with melee weapons in close range combat is great since they’ll give you a knockback boost.

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2 Responses

  1. 16/08/2021

    […] here for the Java 1.9+ version, here for the Bedrock version. Keep in mind that the bedrock edition and java 1.8- are the same due to […]

  2. 16/08/2021

    […] here for the Bedrock version, click here for the Java edition 1.8-. Later during the future combat […]

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