Netherite – About it & how to obtain it

Netherite is one of the rarest items in the game. The fact that it’s found in the deadliest dimension (nether) makes it even more valuable. It’s rare, and being in the nether gives the risk of being attacked by extremely dangerous mobs such as the hoglin, wither skeleton or blaze or be killed by lava, drops, or just getting lost. It’s uses also contribute to its value. Netherite items are more powerful and durable than diamond, can float in lava, and cannot burn. All of the blocks are also unbreakable with explosion values of even 7/8, the highest in the game, however, like any other item, they are vulnerable to cacti, which will destroy them immediately. Like obsidian, it can still be broken by blue wither skulls.

Netherite vs Diamond

Netherite tools have an additional durability of 30% compared to diamond (changes everything, doesn’t it), having a durability of 2032. Netherite has an enchantability of 15, compared to diamond which has an enchantability of 10. Netherite tools and weapons have an additional attack damage of 1, and netherite armor gives 20% knockback resistance to its wearer.


Netherite is found in the nether. The depths of the nether. Though it’s possible to find ancient debris at any height, it’s most likely to be found at y=15 or blocks near there. The most effective ways to obtain netherite are:

Using beds (because they blow up in the nether if you try to sleep in one, and ancient debris is blast-proof, so explosions will destroy everything but the netherite, which allows you to mine it. The same with TNT)

Using TNT

Using an efficiency 3 or higher diamond pickaxe

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