Skywars Tutorial

Ah yes, Skywars. One of the most popular minecraft Minigames. Hope this tutorial helps you get better

How To Play: You will spawn on your island (just like literally every single minecraft minigame except for duels). On your island will be a few chests. They contain (terrible) loot but they contain blocks and basic equipment for you to use. In order to get the best loot, you need to bridge to the island in the center of the map. There you will find a few chests filled with powerful loot (compared to the spawn chests). Unlike Bedwars, players only have one life. If you die, you’re out! Be the last man standing, you win!

Best Strategies:

Rush Mid: Requires a player to quickly gather blocks from their island and have them bridge to mid and collect its loot ASAP. Once you have the mid loot, its really hard to lose… unless you’re fighting a hacker. Speaking of hackers, if you happen to find one, report them and they might just get banned mid-game so you don’t need to fight them!

Trapper: Nowadays, works really rarely. You’re likely to get TNT’ed or something like that… Definitely a terrible strategy, and its more worth it to just learn how to get better at PvP.

TNT cannonball of doom: Well, in skywars, you can make a pressure plate and put it above a bit of TNT! Then you can land in water or place water underneath you to break your fall (unless you have a kit that gives you really good feather falling)… just make sure that the TNT is all connected with the pressure plate or the place you were goes bye bye.

Mid-Bomber: I found this one quite amusing! Players would come mid… only to find out that its underground was replaced with TNT! and you can hide in water-coated blocks!

Void Knocker: Hits players into the void! Don’t forget to say: “Your Armor can’t save you now!!! *evil cackles*”

Archer: While players are fighting at mid, just shoot a few arrows at them… (It’s actually pretty good and MIGHT get you to win against the people who looted mid)

Clutcher: Player 1: “I knocked him into the void!!!” Player 2 (Clutcher): *Places block under him so he can’t fall* Player 1: “Oh well i’ll just jump down there Also Player 2: *Blocks it off* Player 1: *Falls into the void* You get the idea, “uses blocks to kill instead of a sword” and stuff like that but don’t think it’s an easy thing to do!

You know, you have English (US) and English (UK) and stuff but what about English (SW [short for Skywars])

Well, in English (SW), “hello” is normally replaced with “noob” and “gg” is normally replaced with “Hacks” and “you had a good run” is also replaced with noob! And “Well team, things are looking bad for us” is replaced with noob team! Oh and not forgetting that “Hooray! I’m winning!” is replaced with “why am I always in a game of noobs!?!?”

Other than that, Skywars is a game of mostly luck. The chests that spawn have random loot, but luck isn’t really what gets you to win…

What gets you to win is normally your decisions, your PvP skill, and kit.

All Hypixel Skywars Kits

By Adefeater

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