The most powerful Griefs in all of Minecraft (Vanilla Survival)

Warning: These are NOT made for friends, rather enemies. If your friend all of a sudden hates you don’t blame me! (and be sure that your friend is okay with these if you really insist!)

No.10: Endeath

Pretty common one. For this, all you need is a piece of obsidian (or bedrock if you’re an admin!) and an End crystal. Just place down the obsidian and put the End Crystal on it. Highly recommended for nether bases as there will be almost no way to get rid of them other than blowing up your base.

No.9: Mega Wars

Expensive! But cool! This requires all sorts of things like anvil cannons, TNT cannons, Stalactite cannons, Arrow launchers, Fireball launchers, all that kind of stuff! Then when they all fire the enemy base gets absolutely destroyed and at the same time the enemy will be screaming “WHAT?!?!” while it happens!

No.8: No Escape

This one is for the enemies that like to run away. Lure the enemy into an area that you’ve put ender pearl statis chambers around. Then have a friend activate those depending on where the enemy runs. Hence the name, NO ESCAPE.

No.7: Stony Ruins

Can’t find a cheap and good grief against an obsidian base? This one’s for you! You just need a few lava and water buckets. You can either make a lavacast machine or do it manually. Lavacast is to cover a build in flowing lava, then pour water over it to turn it all into cobblestone. Repeat that.

No.6: Laser Beam

Hmm, a hard one to set up but quite powerful! Put guardian turrets all around the enemy base, and when they return, DEATH. If they leave the base, ALSO DEATH. Be sure to name the guardians though!

No.5: La-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-g-g-g-g

Simple. JUST MAKE SURE THAT THE SERVER ALLOWS YOU TO MAKE LAG MACHINES. OR BAN! Just make a lag machine and if you’re in danger (like being chased by many enemies) turn it on!

No.4: Operation Obliteration

Ah, yes. Expensive, but efficient! For this one you need to summon withers in the enemy base. It’ll kill everything in there and destroy it too! It’s even more efficient on bedrock edition. Works pretty well on Java too.

No.3: Mob Wars

Step 1: Find a Spawner. Step 2: use water to transport mobs that spawn to the enemy base. Step 3: Wait for the enemy to return

No.2: Fatigue-Trapped Base

Super Duper Mega efficient. You need an elder guardian and some obsidian. Bring the elder guardian to enemy base and cover it in layers of obsidian. Anyone who goes near the base will get mining fatigue for 5 minutes. The obsidian takes a ton of time to mine with an Efficiency 5 Netherite Pickaxe with mining fatigue, just hope they don’t have milk!

No.1 Impenetrable

Makes the game unplayable. Really. You get stuck in a box forever. To do this, follow these instructions. First, find an enemy that’s going AFK overnight. Find his spawn point. Kill him. Go to his spawn point and he should have no items (unless keep inventory is on). Then, get an elder guardian. Coat the enemy in many, and I mean MANY layers of obsidan. Put the Elder Guardian 40 blocks away from the player, also heavily coated in obsidian. When the player comes back online, they will be caged in an obsidian box. The only thing that can help him is if another player with milk and a high-tier pickaxe breaks the obsidian. Another method is instead of using obsidian, use cobblestone from a cobblestone generator that is pushed by pistons to make a box for the enemy to stay in. The second one is far more efficient as the enemy will never be able to break out (the one with cobblestone). The first one (the obsidian one) can be broken out of if the enemy spends the next month or so mining it nonstop.

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