Top 3 Minecraft Secrets usually only Beginners can find

Minecraft secrets. You’d probably think professionals would be better at finding them at beginners, but there are some secrets only usually a beginner would be able to find!

No.3: Stone tools are OP!

Stone tools are incredibly cheap, but aren’t very efficient. However, its a good way to AFK mine! If you happento have a cobblestone generator or something like that and want to mine large amounts of it without actually being there, cobblestone is a good tool material because of how cheap it is. Iron is slightly more efficient, but you’ll lose much more because of the difference between the worth of cobblestone then iron.

No.2: (Kind of) Dig Straight Down

Most of us know that the number one rule of Minecraft is to never dig straight down. However, digging straight down isn’t as bad as you think. However you should dig in a 2 block wide hole to protect yourself.

No.1: Splash water bottles destroy fire

Splash water bottles can put out fires.

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