Top 5 C418 pieces – The top 5 nostalgic C418 Minecraft Pieces

C418’s music is probably the world’s best. It truly fits minecraft. When you play a medieval war game, you can expect the ost to be epic music. But C418’s music? It’s weird, makes you feel lonely in a world of blocks, which indeed truly fits minecraft.

No.1: Sweden

Sweden’s a great piece. Don’t get me wrong, it’s sad, and at the same time, it’s one of the pieces that’s meant for the future (which is now, it was composed 10 years ago). You can imagine beginning minecraft, and the fun you had. It’s one of those sadder ones.

No.2: Alpha

It’s a great piece. It shows a player completing all the basic things in a minecraft world – Build a house, tame a wolf, explore, everything.

No.3: Mice On Venus

It’s sad. One of the sadder pieces. You can imagine a player waking up one day, and seeing a bone he put on an item frame, when his beloved dog was still alive. He then remembers all the good times he had with his dog – and that’s when Mice on Venus starts playing. Then during the second half he heads off exploring – just like he did when his dog was with him.

No.4: Living Mice

Another dog story (hmm, maybe the song name should be “living dogs” or “dogs on venus”)! A player is happily exploring and finding treasure with his dog (the first part), as usual. But when the player’s opening chests, his dog spots 3 fireballs advance toward the player. The dog leaps into the fireball as a shield to his owner. The player spots this and kills the blaze with a swift bow shot. He then turns to the wolf (the 2nd part), savoring his wolf’s last moments. As the wolf dies, the player continues (the last part of the song).

No.5: Minecraft

You can imagine yourself playing minecraft in the alpha stages, doing basic minecraft things. Make a house, place the most nostalgic thing ever – not just a bed, but THE bed. The bed was a red bed and it was called bed. Maybe even craft a boat and see how low quality those things are! Some sad parts happen, like maybe you get attacked by mobs.

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