Top 5 Sword Enchantments in Minecraft for combat

Minecraft is a game where you can do anything – Build, Fight, Engineer and many more. Today we’ll be looking at Sword Enchantments. The reason looting isn’t on here is because these are the best sword enchantments in terms of combat, not how many resources it gets you.

No.5: Knockback

Knockback is great against melee mobs and is the best against creepers, but when it comes to ranged enemies it just makes your life harder. It’s a great escape from melee mobs when you’re low, and it can also knock them into hazards like lava, Ravines, even into portals!

No.4: Bane Of Arthropods

It deals 5 times as much as sharpness on Java Edition and 2 times as much on bedrock (no, on both versions it adds 2.5 attack damage but on bedrock sharpness adds 1.25 attack while on Java sharpness adds 0.5), though only to arthropods (bees, spiders, silverfish, cave spiders and endermites)! It even inflicts slowness! But it does absolutely NOTHING to other mobs. And not only that, it’s incompatible with sharpness and smite (not a worth it enchant unless you have 2 other swords, one with sharpness the other with smite. But there aren’t many sword enchants!).

No.3: Smite

Smite is useful if you have a spare sword. It adds 2.5 attack damage for each level, making it better than sharpness ONLY AGAINST UNDEAD MOBS. Undead mobs are really common in the overworld and the nether. It’s a powerful enchantment, but if it goes against anything else, it has no effect. It’s also incompatible with sharpness and bane of arthropods.

No.2: Fire Aspect

Powerful against all mobs with the exception of most Nether mobs, witches and the Ender Dragon. It works even better against players. If a player is on fire, armor does not protect them, but enchantments do. Not only that, but it obstructs the player’s view slightly (a double bonus!). And fire aspect 2 deals an extra total of 7 damage – the damage of a diamond sword! This enchantment shows no mercy against people who run away!

No.1: Sharpness

You all knew it! Sharpness deals an extra 1.25 damage on bedrock edition and 0.5 on java to every mob and player! It’s incompatible with smite and bane of arthropods, but it’s a great enchantment for your 1st sword! Additional damage is always good.

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